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Start from here | Vendor


If you are invited by another company to use OwlPay (as the "vendor"), the following document will take you from 0 to 1 to understand Owlpay service and start to withdraw money from the company with OwlPay!

If you're the "Company", please refer to Start from here | company for more details.

If you're the "Developer", please refer to OwlPay API to start API Integration.

1. Set up OwlPay

Step 1. Join the company

Find the email from the company inviting you to join. Click "Join" in your email. (If you are using OwlPay for the first time, you will be asked to register an account first)


Step 2. Go to the company dashboard

After you log in OwlPay, please follow the below steps to enter the company to check your orders.

  1. Click the "Company" page
  2. Find the company that invited you to join and click "Go".


Please note

If you're logging into Owlpay for the first time, you will be automatically redirected to the company page.

Step 3. Set up receiving payout information

Complete your information by setting up your receiving currency. If the company inviting you has already filled out the information, you can view it on "Vendor information" page.

OwlPay team will review your information to enable full account functionality!


2. Start to use OwlPay

Step 1. Manage orders

When there are new orders created, you can view the Dashboard to have a quick overview of your company's revenue status and recent order growth.


Want to check order details? You can view the order details via the Order page.


Step 2. Apply for order reconciliation

If you are ready to request a payout from the company, please click Reconciliation to start the reconciliation process (For more details, please refer to OwlPay Payout Process).


Step 3. Review reconciliation order

When you submit an order for reconciliation, the person responsible for reviewing can view the order details on the Review page and approve/reject the application.


Step 4. Wait for the company to create payouts

If the reconciliation order request is approved, OwlPay will pay you on the payout date specified by the company.


If you want to request a payout, please refer to Request payout.